Hello everyone,
I'm a new member and the reason for me joining was to compile information about solar activity and the upcoming cycle of increased activity.
The 11 year cycle is commonly known; however, I came accross a website with information about the sun's 11,500 year cycle from a gentlemen by the name of Patrick Geryl. Patrick has no credentials in the fields of science. Nonetheless, his website presents extremely troublesome scientific calculations for solar activity at an unprecented level beginning in 2011 and ending in 2012. Tou can visit his website at:
www.howtosurvive2012.com/htm_night/impre_05.htmto get complete information. I am posting here to ask this group of solar activity followers to review his forecasts and calculations in order to determine if his basic explanations of solar sunspot polarity have merit. Here is a portion of his explanations:
Positive and Negative Sunspots
In the beginning of a new cycle, the polarity of the sunspot changes from north into south. If the plusses are first in one cycle then the minusses are first in the next cycle and vice versa.
Furthermore, if above the equator the plusses appear first on the right side of the spots, then the minuses appear on the right side under the equator. The sunspot theory explains the plusses and minuses through the different speeds of the polar fields. If Sunspots ABOVE the equator appear with the PLUS first… then they appear UNDER the equator with the MINUS first. The speeds from the polar fields must change in the OPPOSITE with a new cycle, because sunspots have then the OPPOSITE value from the previous one.
Magnet Orb
Changing Speed Polar Fields
In this model, electric current passes through both poles of the star. It then flows in long tubes emanating from the star. A secondary leakage current that flows on or just below the Sun’s surface, back toward the equator from each of the poles.
It is highly likely that such a current system has already been discovered. Stanford University recently announced: “Scientists using the joint European Space Agency (ESA)/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft have discovered ‘jet streams’ or ‘rivers’ of hot, electrically charged gas (plasma) flowing beneath the surface of the Sun. They also found features similar to ‘trade winds’ that transport gas beneath the Sun’s fiery surface.” Rivers of plasma are electric currents. Currents cause magnetic fields.
A diagram of the Electric Sun.
Illustration from Don Scott’s book, The Electric Sky.
Regardless of the direction of the main driving current coming into the Sun, the eleven-year reversal of the magnetic loops can be explained by the change of the speeds of the polar fields. If the main magnetic field starts to weaken in speed, the secondary (surface) current will reverse direction. Consequently the magnetic polarity of the loops will also reverse.
Low Sunspot Activity During Reversal
If a filament is flowing southward from near the Sun’s north pole and it is on or just beneath the Sun’s surface, a looping magnetic field will emerge to the east of the current creating a north magnetic pole there. In the Sun’s southern hemisphere, the secondary surface current is flowing northward toward the solar equator. The resulting magnetic field will emerge (north magnetic pole) to the west of the current and return down to the surface (forming a south magnetic pole) to the east of the current.
The change of sunspot’s polarity implies changes in the speeds of the polar magnetic fields of the Sun. We observe such change relative to a fixed value of equatorial speed of 25.75 days. We obtain N-S and S-N polarized sunspots on different hemispheres of the Sun, by calculated polar field speeds of 37.176 and 37.4075 days respectively.
To conserve the natural law of changing polarity of sunspots at each new cycle, we conclude that the polar speeds must also undergo change. If we assume that the average equatorial speed of the next is also 25.75 days, then the polar speed of 37.176 days of the previous cycle will have to decrease to 37.4075 an vice versa… then the plus changes into minus with a speed of 37.2915 days. The sunspot activity is then almost zero. This normally happens at the end of a cycle.
I expect the magnetic fields are slowly going over in each other at this moment. In other words in 2012 this phenomenon will happen not at the end of a cycle, but right in the middle.
A dramatic switch in the magnetic field of the sun… The result is a ‘Killer Flare’. It is this Flare that will destroy our civilisation in 2012.
The site contains a lot of information including diagrams and interviews. What is your opinion?