Hello group, I'm an iTouch developer and I was looking for some advice on what data to include in my free solar monitoring app. I am getting ready to release version 1.3 and if I can get any feature requests that are easy enough to add on I would like to include them in this upcoming version.
Here is a link to the app.
itunes.apple.com/us/app/isolseek/id395321191?mt=8Here is my changelog of what I will be including in the upcoming release.
Allow comparing of current and previous updated image.
Added gauges for solar wind data.
Added X-Ray flux data.
Added Geomagnetic tab for geomagnetic specific data.
Added Kp index data with gauges.
Added Interplanetary Magnetic Field data.
Added Planetary Ap Index.
Make navigation controls slightly larger for easier touching.
Fixed bug where view moves up when tab bar fades in while zoomed.
Hide status bar when zoomed for fullscreen viewing.
Added in app emailing of geomagnetic and space weather data.
Added cancel button for image updates.
I would like to get some advice / feedback since the app store does not have a good way to talk to users to make improvements. My app is completely free and I write it strictly as a pass time. I enjoy solar observing and programming as hobbies and I know that some people are looking for different data than others including myself.
Thanks in advance,