Post by acidohm on Jan 29, 2016 20:18:23 GMT
The WUWTites didn't like it much tho....comments erupted with cynicism and disbelief at lack of correspondence to milankovich cycles!
Post by sigurdur on Jan 29, 2016 21:21:53 GMT
The WUWTites didn't like it much tho....comments erupted with cynicism and disbelief at lack of correspondence to milankovich cycles! Well, the Milankovitch cycles have 7 large problems themselves.
Post by acidohm on Jan 29, 2016 22:38:25 GMT
The WUWTites didn't like it much tho....comments erupted with cynicism and disbelief at lack of correspondence to milankovich cycles! Well, the Milankovitch cycles have 7 large problems themselves. Wiki, bless it, lists 6. Looking at 5 million years of ice core temp proxy highlights something. Climate change changes! In respect to any studies one makes on our current position in any one part of the present changingness, 2 things come to mind. Firstly, real change takes far longer then any of us have time to think about. Secondly, even if you happen to be a rock with sentient properties, by the time you feel you have a handle on the upcoming trend, likelihood is, you will be needing to predict when this will change...because it will! I read a book once by a guy who spelt out in many steps how to rationalise a spiritual mind with urban existence (if that sort of thing floats your boat ;-) ) Probably the best advice he had was, the human condition tends towards a sense of impending doom or 'apocalypse syndrome' his advice was be aware of it, but don't succumb to it!
Post by missouriboy on Jan 30, 2016 4:39:48 GMT
That heat is just not getting north. Either by dilution or blockage or Given that these are anomalies (SSTAs) I think it looks worse than it is ... and that is if the anomaly is based on that month's long-term base line. If the anomaly is based on annual, then the winter months would look much worse. As the following chart shows, there HAS been significant heat accumulation in the western side of latitude zone 20-40 N. This matches the intensity, if not the quantity of the surface temperatures of the Eastern Pacific tropical zone (15 S - 15 N). Note how puny the 2009 El Ninolooks in comparison to the 2015 'Abnormally High SSTA Zone'. Wow, that's a mouth full. El Ninos' just aren't what they used to be I guess. Can we abbreviate that to AHSSTAZ??? Drop the'high' and 'H' and we cover all our bases (hot or cold) AND have something we can remember ... ASSTAZ or ... Z can be the neuter case ... ASSTAH can be the hot phase ... and ASSTAC can be the cold phase. Then some pain-in-the-butt bean counter is gonna want a cutoff point. And the fishermen will want to know if we want anchovies on ours. No EL no LA just ASSTAH!
Post by missouriboy on Jan 30, 2016 4:41:54 GMT
SEE ... it is hiding in the ocean.
Post by acidohm on Feb 1, 2016 20:45:00 GMT
SSTA departures over the last 4 weeks......check out the drop in temp of the gulfstream, being interesting to see how that develops!!
Post by nautonnier on Feb 2, 2016 3:59:27 GMT
View AttachmentSSTA departures over the last 4 weeks......check out the drop in temp of the gulfstream, being interesting to see how that develops!! The 'Nor'easter' that they called 'Jonas' may have caused that drop the cold front ran from Newfoundland to Venezuela. The amount of energy it extracted from the ocean must have been enormous. The graphic also shows that the 'godzilla' El Nino is waning rapidly. Starting to look cooler everywhere despite all the claims of hottest evah.
Post by sigurdur on Feb 7, 2016 14:31:34 GMT
Post by sigurdur on Feb 7, 2016 14:38:12 GMT
www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S246801331500008XAbstract The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is part of the great ocean “conveyor belt” that circulates heat around the globe. Since the early 2000s, ocean sensors have started to monitor the AMOC, but the measurements are still far from accurate and the time window does not permit the separation of short term variability from a longer term trend. Other works have claimed that global warming is slowing down the AMOC, based on models and proxies of temperatures. Some other observations demonstrate a stable circulation of the oceans. By using tide gauge data complementing recent satellite and ocean sensor observations, the stability of the AMOC is shown to go back to 1860. It is concluded that no available information has the due accuracy and time coverage to show a clear trend outside the inter-annual and multi-decadal variability in the direction of increasing or decreasing strength over the last decades.
Post by missouriboy on Mar 4, 2016 17:18:55 GMT
DECEMBER 2015 ARGO IS IN - BUT JANUARY 2016 IS APPARENTLY DELAYED Below I've included the monthly anomalies for June 2014, Dec. 2014, June 2015 and Dec. 2015 for both the 0-100 meter depth zone and the Reynolds number. Looks like the decline is continuing.
Post by acidohm on Mar 4, 2016 18:12:45 GMT
Good effort Mboy, thx for the update.
Post by missouriboy on Mar 5, 2016 1:49:54 GMT
weather.unisys.com/surface/sst_anom.gifLooking at the above, I would say that the North Atlantic Drift, aka Gulf Stream, has stopped. There are no longer any warm currents heading into the Arctic Ocean. When the existing over-active jet stream over the Atlantic subsides, expect: Western Europe to become abnormally cold The seas around Iceland to freeze Arctic Ice to spread South from Svalbard. It may also be found that Greenland has added a huge amount of ice. Looking forward to seeing the RAPID data for last year which should be out soon!! Here's a prediction from the team.... rapidchallenge2015.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/prediction-from-university-of-sheffield.html?m=1Any news from the RAPID TEAM?
Post by missouriboy on Mar 5, 2016 5:55:53 GMT
SSTA departures over the last 4 weeks......check out the drop in temp of the gulfstream, being interesting to see how that develops!! Acidohm. Where do you get your chart?
Post by acidohm on Mar 5, 2016 6:31:43 GMT
Post by acidohm on Mar 5, 2016 6:32:46 GMT
Any news from the RAPID TEAM? Havnt seen anything released publicly yet....