Post by missouriboy on Feb 9, 2021 16:02:35 GMT
While on the subject of dates and time-zones.... I used to have this problem with Flight Plans - is that time today or tomorrow or yesterday and we used a parameter called NDTI 'Next Day Time Interval' - if the time was beyond NDTI it was tomorrow or yesterday depending on the sign of the difference. TERMINATOR TIME (TT) OR TZT -Welcome to the Twilight Zone A terminator or twilight zone is a moving line that divides the daylit side and the dark night side of a planetary body. A terminator is defined as the locus of points on a planet or moon where the line through the center of its parent star is tangent. An observer on the terminator of such an orbiting body with an atmosphere would experience twilight due to light scattering by particles in the gaseous layer. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_(solar)
Post by missouriboy on Feb 9, 2021 22:37:31 GMT
Post by missouriboy on Feb 9, 2021 23:54:54 GMT
Post by Ratty on Feb 10, 2021 5:37:56 GMT
Gooney Bird anniversary flight:
Post by walnut on Feb 10, 2021 6:01:27 GMT
Gooney Bird anniversary flight: That's a lot of progress in 32 years, from the Wright brothers little bicycle death trap plane to this fairly modern and perfectly reliable commercial airplane.
Post by nautonnier on Feb 10, 2021 10:06:59 GMT
Gooney Bird anniversary flight: That's a lot of progress in 32 years, from the Wright brothers little bicycle death trap plane to this fairly modern and perfectly reliable commercial airplane. And 16 years later in 1952 the B-52 first flew same year in UK the Vulcan and Victor bombers first flew
Post by gridley on Feb 10, 2021 13:45:20 GMT
And the B-52 is still flying - in combat operations!
Post by walnut on Feb 10, 2021 14:08:53 GMT
And the C-130 was first flown in 1954, still used heavily (with upgraded engines). A big plane that flies like a piper cub.
You know that all this impressive hardware is owned and controlled by our enemies. We are just free range chickens on their tax farm. (who said that funny line?)
Post by nautonnier on Feb 10, 2021 14:15:08 GMT
And the C-130 was first flown in 1954, still used heavily (with upgraded engines). A big plane that flies like a piper cub. You know that all this impressive hardware is owned and controlled by our enemies. We are just free range chickens on their tax farm. (who said that funny line?) Flying low level 150ft in a C-130 doing a steep turn both crew have full opposite aileron to stop the aircraft nosing down into the ground to roll out of the steep turn the engines on the low side are put to full power and the high engines reduced throttle.... Not for the faint hearted
Post by nautonnier on Feb 10, 2021 14:22:25 GMT
Post by missouriboy on Feb 10, 2021 15:04:14 GMT
Post by nonentropic on Feb 10, 2021 18:26:06 GMT
www.nzedge.com/legends/richard-pearse/First man to fly a plane was Richard Pearse have seen the plane at the Tech Museum here in Auckland. So it took longer than first thought to develop the DC3 or C47. Have flown in both many times they were used here till recently as fertilizer dispensers and now here in Auckland for pleasure flights the sound is sensational. NZ is much more focused on near surface flight in the Americas Cup. www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zeAWBj4tG4
Post by duwayne on Feb 10, 2021 20:32:49 GMT
Gooney Bird anniversary flight: Does anyone else remember the air sickness bags? Or worse yet, running out of air sickness bags.
Post by nautonnier on Feb 10, 2021 22:13:38 GMT
Gooney Bird anniversary flight: Does anyone else remember the air sickness bags? Or worse yet, running out of air sickness bags. Yes indeed - still find them in the seat pockets of many airlines.... Reminds me of a 'war story' - I flew a few happy 'ab initio' hours on Chipmunks see below (Chipmunk Flight, RAF Cranwell, North Airfield) Both the instructor (rear seat) and student/first pilot (front seat) would wear the cloth 'inner' from a flying helmet which had ear phones with an attached oxygen mask with the microphone. This allowed the communication between the crew. A friend of mine was posted back to be instructor on the Chipmunk flight. As it was 'ab initio' instruction this was where the airsick students were identified. My friends normal method was if a student was sick into a sick-bag was to climb to the dizzy heights of 10,000ft have the student slide back the canopy then invert the aircraft and drop the bag out. He then told the student to chase the bag and see if it could be hit. The once sick student now has something to fill his little brain and forgets to feel sick despite the continual wingovers and dives and G of steep turns chasing the sick bag. {This went on happily curing air sickness until one unfortunate day when the sick bag made a direct hit on a combine harvester shortly followed by Chipmunk zooming past low at what counts for high speed in a Chipmunk.... Farmer was not happy and complained about being bombed by one of the station aircraft } That though was not the story Story was that it was no real problem the student being sick but every now and then they forgot or were unable to get the oxygen mask/microphone off in time. So the instructor sitting behind had the view of sick spraying up and around the mask at the same time hearing it in full stereo in their headset. Fun times
Post by missouriboy on Feb 10, 2021 22:27:27 GMT
NOW how do you get on Twitter?